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Why ask a lawyer for a second opinion?

If you are in doubt about your current lawyer, a second opinion from another lawyer may be the solution for you. A second opinion means that you present the working method, the chosen strategy, the legal analysis, a summons, etc. to a second lawyer, who will assess your question completely independently.

There are many reasons why you may doubt the services of your lawyer:

  • You do not agree with the view of your lawyer
  • Your lawyer does not listen well to your questions
  • Your lawyer is difficult to reach or does not call back
  • Your lawyer lets things drag on or takes the initiative when you ask him or her about it yourself
  • Your lawyer costs too much
  • A disappointing court decision
  • Your requirements are not well presented or your argumentation is not well substantiated
  • Your lawyer's procedural documents have not been drawn up properly

In these cases it is useful to get a second opinion from another lawyer.

What do you get?

Wanneer u de Second Opinion boekt, dan bespreking wij samen met u alle aspecten van uw dossier.  Wij doorlopen met u de dossierstukken, de standpunten van u en de andere partij(en), en de gevolgde strategie. U krijgt van ons een objectief antwoord op al uw vragen. Tijdens deze besprekingen zullen wij u onze eerlijke mening bezorgen. Is deze gelijklopend aan de analyse van uw eerste advocaat, dan bent u gerustgesteld. Zien wij een andere oplossing, dan zullen wij u deze ook voorstellen.

Na het adviesgesprek bent u tot niets verplicht. U beslist volledig zelf wat u verder zult doen.

Heeft u graag toch een schriftelijke weerslag van de Second Opinion, dan kan u kiezen voor de optionele Second Opinion met geschreven advies.


The meeting in which we give you our Second Opinion lasts 45 minutes.

Second Opinion with written advice?

If you want a written analysis with advice in addition to the discussion, you can opt for the "Second Opinion with written advice".

This choice means that after the discussion, we thoroughly study and check your file documents and provide you with written advice for an additional cost of EUR 250.00, VAT included.

How does it work in concrete terms?

Very easy! You book and pay for your Second Opinion via our webshop and we will contact you to set the appointment according to your agenda options!


Book your Second Opinion here!

Disclaimer and copyright

The model documents sold in the web shop can in no way be regarded as legal advice. Wanted Law accepts no liability for any damage that anyone would suffer by relying on these model documents, unless they are purchased together with the 'assistance' option, in which case the liability is limited to the extent of the assistance provided. If you require legal advice, you should contact a qualified lawyer who will advise you based on your personal situation.

Wanted Law owns the exclusive copyright of this website, its design and all its contents. Use of this website, or parts of it, in any form is prohibited without the prior written consent of Wanted Law.