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Your legal question answered quickly at a fixed price. No surprises!

Can't find your answer on the internet? Not sure you got it right? Would you like to check your point of view with a real lawyer? Then The Wanted Speeddate is for you!

Once booked, a Wanted Law lawyer will call you to answer all your questions quickly and concretely.

You pay in a few clicks via the Wanted webshop. We will call you immediately afterwards.

Fast and affordable legal advice at a fixed price. No surprises, no administrative hassle.

What do you get?

During the speed date you can consult a lawyer by telephone for 15 minutes.

Quick, bite-sized and afterwards you are under no obligation!

If your question is too complex to answer during the Wanted Speeddate, we will refund you or make another appointment with you. You decide.

Duration time?

The Wanted Speeddate lasts 15 minutes.

I was surfing looking for information about my P.V., came to your site, was able to click through, pay and was called quickly. All very easy!

J.C. from Ekeren

Book your Wanted Speeddate here!

Disclaimer and copyright

The model documents sold in the web shop can in no way be regarded as legal advice. Wanted Law accepts no liability for any damage that anyone would suffer by relying on these model documents, unless they are purchased together with the 'assistance' option, in which case the liability is limited to the extent of the assistance provided. If you require legal advice, you should contact a qualified lawyer who will advise you based on your personal situation.

Wanted Law owns the exclusive copyright of this website, its design and all its contents. Use of this website, or parts of it, in any form is prohibited without the prior written consent of Wanted Law.