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Are you unsure about signing a contract?

Then book a Wanted Scan! We subject your agreement (max. 10 pages) to an analysis and point out the risks and gaps. If your contract is not correct at all, we will simply tell you so and propose a solution. After the Wanted Scan, you are completely free to decide how you want to proceed, with or without us!

(...) Thank you for providing a completely different view in such a short time with clear examples of how things could be done differently. I didn't expect that from a lawyer. I should have come by much sooner (...)

T.E. from J.

With or without consultation?

You can also optionally order a consultation with your Wanted Scan. This is useful if a personal explanation is required. We will then provide 45 minutes or 1,5 hours for a thorough additional discussion. You can simply order the consultation and we will then make an appointment together.

Time for your Wanted Scan?

Then click here to order!

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The model documents sold in the web shop can in no way be regarded as legal advice. Wanted Law accepts no liability for any damage that anyone would suffer by relying on these model documents, unless they are purchased together with the 'assistance' option, in which case the liability is limited to the extent of the assistance provided. If you require legal advice, you should contact a qualified lawyer who will advise you based on your personal situation.

Wanted Law owns the exclusive copyright of this website, its design and all its contents. Use of this website, or parts of it, in any form is prohibited without the prior written consent of Wanted Law.